محطة الكسارة المتنقلة

ويركزمعهد بحوثالعامة لليمينغ الصناعة الثقيلةفي مجال البحوث وتطوير التكنولوجيا المتقدمة والمنتجات الموجهة لصالح العملاء، فضلا عن بناءالقدرة التنافسية الجوهريةليجعل يمينغالصناعة الثقيلةرائدةفي هذه الصناعة.من خلال توفيرنتائج البحوثالأساسية، ويدعم المعهديمينغالصناعة الثقيلةالتكنولوجيا والمنتجات لتكون أعلىمنهافي العالمالقائمة.

  • Anthropology in the Mining Industry | SpringerLink

    ISBN: 978-3-319-84371-1. Dispatched in 3 to 5 business days. Exclusive offer for individuals only. Free shipping worldwide. Shipping restrictions may apply, check to see if you are impacted. Tax calculation will be finalised during checkout. Buy Softcover Book. Hardcover Book. USD 109.99.

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  • (PDF) RESOURCE WARS: The Anthropology of Mining |

    There is no natural position for anthropology in such a contested field, and anthropologists have adopted bitterly opposed stances at several mining projects, such as the Coronation Hill gold prospect in Northern Australia, where debate revolved around claims of neutrality and accusations of partisan advocacy from either side (R. Brunton 1992 ...

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  • Resource Wars: The Anthropology of Mining

    Closer attention to the internal structure and politics of mining corporations has the potential to offer rich insight into the anthropology of multinational capital and its global processes and local entanglements more generally. However, one of the principal reasons for the enduring opacity of mining corporations is their notorious

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  • (PDF) Resource Wars: The Anthropology of Mining

    2003-10-1 · globalization, corporation, community, state, engagement. Abstract The scope for an anthropology of mining has been dramatically trans-. formed

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  • Mining: Anthropological Perspectives | Annual Review of ...

    2021-9-15 · Resource Wars: The Anthropology of Mining Chris Ballard and Glenn Banks Annual Review of Anthropology The Anthropology of Mining: The Social and Environmental Impacts of Resource Extraction in the Mineral Age Jerry K. Jacka Annual Review of Anthropology CONTESTED TERRAIN: Mining and the Environment Gavin Bridge

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  • Mining morals, muck and Akan gold in New York City ...

    2018-5-29 · (2015). Mining morals, muck and Akan gold in New York City. Anthropology Southern Africa: Vol. 38, No. 3-4, pp. 290-301.

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  • Anthropology exposes how miners shape our world and

    2014-10-30 · Anthropology exposes how miners shape our world and our views of it. by Sally Babidge, The Conversation. Miners do much more than extract minerals and make profits. All over the world mining ...

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  • MINING LEFTOVERS: Making Futures ... - Cultural

    the Latin America gold boom accounted for 50 percent of the world’s mineral exploration (Bury and Bebbington 2013). Mineral resources became a hedge in an environment of financial risk, skyrocketing gold prices to US$1,875 per ounce in 2011.2 Gold mining and trading companies responded by aggressively attracting investment.

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  • (PDF) anthropology of mining (2018) | Jessica M Smith ...

    anthropology of mining (2018) ... Rhodes-Livingstone Institute studied the migration of the rural labor force into company towns and the contribution of mine workers to modernization. The gold and diamond mines of southern Africa led to widespread labor migration and were complicit, if not instrumental, in the establishment and imple- mentation ...

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  • (PDF) anthropology of mining (2018) | Jessica M Smith ...

    anthropology of mining (2018) ... Rhodes-Livingstone Institute studied the migration of the rural labor force into company towns and the contribution of mine workers to modernization. The gold and diamond mines of southern Africa led to widespread labor migration and were complicit, if not instrumental, in the establishment and imple- mentation ...

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  • (PDF) RESOURCE WARS: The Anthropology of Mining |

    There is no natural position for anthropology in such a contested field, and anthropologists have adopted bitterly opposed stances at several mining projects, such as the Coronation Hill gold prospect in Northern Australia, where debate revolved around claims of neutrality and accusations of partisan advocacy from either side (R. Brunton 1992 ...

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  • Mining the Past | U-M LSA Anthropology

    2021-8-31 · With support from the Rackham Program in Public Scholarship, anthropology alumnus Colin Quinn helped start a program that connects

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  • Shifting Livelihoods: Gold Mining and Subsistence in the ...

    2021-11-8 · Shifting Livelihoods: Gold Mining and Subsistence in the Chocó, Colombia by Daniel Tubb Seattle: University of Washington Press, 2020. 264 pp. Esteban Rozo ,

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  • Anthropology exposes how miners shape our world and

    2014-10-30 · Anthropology exposes how miners shape our world and our views of it. by Sally Babidge, The Conversation. Miners do much more than extract minerals and make profits. All over the world mining ...

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  • Anthropology of Utah: Gold

    2012-2-18 · Gold is the fourth most important mineral commodity produced from the Tintic mining district after. silver, lead, and zinc. Some of this gold is produced as a byproduct or coproduct of the argentiferous. lead and zinc ores, but large amounts also have been produced from gold-bearing fissure veins.

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  • Anthropologists expose the side-effects of mining ...

    Mining has also become a more and more prominent topic in anthropology over the last five to ten years. The Anthropology of Mining Network that Robert Pijpers, the main organizer of the workshop, and Lorenzo D’Angelo set up last year, is

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  • Mining and Anthropology in Indian Industrialism |

    2019-6-26 · Mining anthropology Industrialism Ethnography of mining Industrial anthropology Tribal Indigenous Chronological approach Displacement Migrant labour This is a preview of subscription content, log in to check access.

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  • What Is Anthropology? - SUNY Morrisville

    2013-1-9 · gold mining, and changes to their environment. The controversy raises questions for anthropologists, such as: How does a researcher’s presence influence ... the different fields of cultural anthropology, different theories and schools of thought, and the tools cultural anthropologists use to conduct their research.

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  • Mining postsocialism: work, class and ethnicity in an ...

    2013-4-25 · Mining postsocialism: work, class and ethnicity in an Estonian mine Eeva Kesküla Department of Anthropology Goldsmiths, University of London Thesis submitted for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in September 2012. 2 I confirm that the work presented in this thesis is my own. Where information

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  • Digging Anthropology Mine for Marketing Gold -

    Download Citation | Digging Anthropology Mine for Marketing Gold | Marketing, born out of industrial organization economics, has borrowed myriad concepts and frameworks from neoclassical economics ...

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  • Mining the Past | U-M LSA Anthropology

    2021-8-31 · With support from the Rackham Program in Public Scholarship, anthropology alumnus Colin Quinn helped start a program that connects

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  • Mining morals, muck and Akan gold in New York City ...

    2018-5-29 · (2015). Mining morals, muck and Akan gold in New York City. Anthropology Southern Africa: Vol. 38, No. 3-4, pp. 290-301.

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  • Occupying Spaces Created by Conflict : Anthropologists ...

    2020-9-4 · The PJV Mine. The PJV gold mine started operations in 1990 at a 2,500-m elevation in a remote valley in Enga Province in the PNG highlands. 5 Canada's Placer Dome (Placer) managed the mine until 2006, when Barrick Gold (Barrick) acquired Placer. 6 Barrick now owns 95% of the PJV mine through two wholly owned PNG subsidiaries. Five percent of the

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  • Leviathans at the Gold Mine - Duke University

    Praise "Golub's study of gold mining in Papua New Guinea is not only a fascinating ethnography but a strong tonic for anthropology, for law and courts, and for governments and corporations insofar as they continue to subscribe to

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  • MINING LEFTOVERS: Making Futures on the Margins of ...

    2020-3-3 · The Colombian government and large-scale mining companies accuse small-scale gold miners of lacking a sense of the future, thereby harming the future of Colombia. In this article, I argue that marginalized people who extract gold with small-scale techniques create an alternative sense of future by engaging with the leftovers of their gold ...

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  • Anthropologists expose the side-effects of

    Mining has also become a more and more prominent topic in anthropology over the last five to ten years. The Anthropology of Mining Network that Robert Pijpers, the main organizer of the workshop, and Lorenzo D’Angelo set up last year, is

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  • Mining postsocialism: work, class and ethnicity in an ...

    2013-4-25 · Mining postsocialism: work, class and ethnicity in an Estonian mine Eeva Kesküla Department of Anthropology Goldsmiths, University of London Thesis submitted for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in September 2012. 2 I confirm that the work presented in this thesis is my own. Where information

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  • Sustainable Mining | SpringerLink - Dialectical Anthropology

    2009-8-7 · The mining industry moves more earth than any other human endeavor. Yet mining companies regularly claim to practice sustainable mining. Progressive redefinition of the term sustainability has emptied out the concept of its original reference to the environment. Mining companies now use the term to refer to corporate profits and economic development that will

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  • Mining Encounters - Pluto

    Contributing to policy debates, Mining Encounters uncovers the tensions, negotiations and disparities between different actors in the extractive industries, including exploiters and those who benefit or are impoverished by resource exploitation. Robert Jan Pijpers holds a PhD in Social Anthropology from the University of Oslo.

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