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ويركزمعهد بحوثالعامة لليمينغ الصناعة الثقيلةفي مجال البحوث وتطوير التكنولوجيا المتقدمة والمنتجات الموجهة لصالح العملاء، فضلا عن بناءالقدرة التنافسية الجوهريةليجعل يمينغالصناعة الثقيلةرائدةفي هذه الصناعة.من خلال توفيرنتائج البحوثالأساسية، ويدعم المعهديمينغالصناعة الثقيلةالتكنولوجيا والمنتجات لتكون أعلىمنهافي العالمالقائمة.

  • Fatigue limit in fused silica - ScienceDirect

    2001-5-1 · This allows one to define a fatigue limit of approximately 0.29–0.31 MPa√m for the fused silica glass used in this work. More precisely, if the complete set of crack lengths recorded at t ⩾2 days is considered, the threshold stress intensity factor is

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  • Fatigue Limit in Fused Silica | Request PDF

    2022-1-27 · Peter J. Lezzi. The static fatigue limit, or the threshold stress intensity factor, Ko, for first sub‐critical crack growth has been measured directly in silica glass for T ≥ 600°C using the ...

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  • HVI ballistic limit characterization of fused silica ...

    2020-8-6 · Johnson-Cook model for 1050 steel is used in the analysis with hydrostatic tensile limit of the steel projectile taken as 2.083 GPa. The fused silica model uses a modified Johnson-Holmquist (JH) ceramic model derived from a float glass model native to CTH. A comparison of the existing float glass model and the as-run fused silica model are given

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  • HVI Ballistic Limit Characterization of Fused Silica ...

    2015-1-1 · A ballistic limit equation that describes the threshold of perforation of a fused silica pane over a broad range of impact velocities, obliquities and projectile materials is discussed here. © 2015 Published by Elsevier Ltd. Selection and/or peer-review under responsibility of the Hypervelocity Impact Society.

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  • Properties of fused silica - Heraeus

    The purities of fused quartz and fused silica are outstandingly high. Synthetic fused silica from Heraeus contains total metallic contamination below 1ppm. For fused quartz the amount is approximately 20 ppm and consists primarily of Al2O3 with

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  • Properties: Silica - Fused Silica (Silicon Dioxide)

    28 行 · Fused silica is an amorphous grade of silica known for its low thermal expansion and

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    2012-1-25 · Silica, Fused is a collodial (lumpy) colorless to gray powder. It is used in making rockets and spacecraft, special camera lenses, and fibers for reinforcing plastics. REASON FOR CITATION * Silica, Fused is on the Hazardous Substance List because it is regulated by OSHA and cited by ACGIH and NIOSH. * Definitions are provided on page 5.

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  • Making of fused quartz and fused silica - Heraeus

    There is a limit to the maximum fluorine content, because fluorine also etches away fused silica. The higher the fluorine content in the gases, the slower the deposition is. The plasma outside deposition is typically employed to produce highly fluorine doped silica, which has a lower refractive index than undoped fused silica.

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  • The Anomalous Elastic and Yield Behavior of Fused Silica ...

    2020-9-4 · Fused silica glass: Densification The equation of state of glass in compression exhibits a densification phase transition at a pressure of 20 Gpa For a glass starting in its low-density phase, upon the attainment of the transition pressure the glass begins to undergo a permanent reduction in volume Reductions of up to 77% at pressures of

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  • Corning HPFS 7979, 7980, 8655 Fused Silica

    HPFS® 7979, 7980 and 8655 Fused Silica Dedication to technology leadership and world-class metrology capabilities play a major role in Corning’s ability to produce leading edge materials. Corning is committed to ensuring that its customers are provided qualified, authentic products. Corning has a minimum of 25 years of measurement

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  • (PDF) HVI Ballistic Limit Characterization of Fused Silica ...

    A ballistic limit equation that describes the threshold of perforation of a fused silica pane over a broad range of impact velocities, obliquities and projectile materials is discussed here.

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  • Attenuation limit of silica-based hollow-core fiber at mid ...

    2019-8-12 · We study the mid-infrared attenuation of antiresonant hollow-core fiber made of fused silica glass. The role of absorptive losses increases with wavelength but can be minimized by reducing the overlap of the trapped light with the silica.

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    2012-1-25 · Silica, Fused is a collodial (lumpy) colorless to gray powder. It is used in making rockets and spacecraft, special camera lenses, and fibers for reinforcing plastics. REASON FOR CITATION * Silica, Fused is on the Hazardous Substance List because it is regulated by OSHA and cited by ACGIH and NIOSH. * Definitions are provided on page 5.

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  • Fused-silica damage threshold established at 1064 nm ...

    2008-5-1 · The optical-damage threshold in bulk fused silica is important for establishing the performance limits of high-power laser systems, but the mechanism is poorly understood. Now, researchers at Sandia National Laboratories (Albuquerque, NM) have established a rate equation governing catastrophic optical damage in fused silica.

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  • Fused silica, explained by RP Photonics Encyclopedia ...

    Fused silica is used for a wide range of optical components, such as lenses, prisms, optical flats, mirror substrates and diffraction gratings.Key advantages are the broad spectral transmission range, the hardness and low thermal expansion – e.g. for large telescope mirrors, where the possibility to fabricate large pieces is also vital.Fused silica is also used for optical windows,

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  • Synthetic Fused Silica - SLAC

    2005-11-9 · ultraviolet applications, UV-grade synthetic fused silica is an ideal choice. Its tight index tolerance ensures highly predictable lens specifications. The left-hand table on page 4.13 shows the refractive index of a typical UV-grade synthetic fused silica versus wavelength at 20ºC. To obtain the index for optical-quality synthetic fused ...

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  • Features of fused silica ablation by laser induced carbon ...

    2020-2-7 · As the distance reaches to the limit, energy of laser-induced microplasma is insufficient to destruct fused silica as larger it expands, the less its temperature (energy) develops, which is well indicated by the intensity of plasma in Fig. 4d. The intensity of plasma drops very quickly as pulse number grows from 1 to 100, and after 400, the ...

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  • Advances in Cutting and Cleaving of Fused Silica

    Polyimide coated fused silica capillary tubing is frequently employed in a variety of analytical instrumentation. In this application note we revisit methods for cutting and cleaving capillary tubing with a focus on recent advances. Fused silica capillary tubing’s unique properties have made it a key component in separation scientist’s tool ...

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  • The Effect of High-Pressure Devitrification and ...

    2015-11-2 · Recent experimental and molecular-level computational analyses have indicated that fused silica, when subjected to pressures of several tens of GPa, can experience irreversible devitrification and densification. Such changes in the fused-silica molecular-level structure are associated with absorption and/or dissipation of the strain energy acquired by fused silica

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  • Fused silica optical fibers with graded index ...

    2018-8-17 · Fused silica fibers are the most commonly used and spectrum of their application is the largest among all other types of fibers and for large community of users, as telecom, sensors and biomedical ...

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  • Fused-silica damage threshold established at 1064 nm ...

    2008-5-1 · The optical-damage threshold in bulk fused silica is important for establishing the performance limits of high-power laser systems, but the mechanism is poorly understood. Now, researchers at Sandia National Laboratories (Albuquerque, NM) have established a rate equation governing catastrophic optical damage in fused silica.

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  • Fused silica, explained by RP Photonics Encyclopedia ...

    Fused silica is used for a wide range of optical components, such as lenses, prisms, optical flats, mirror substrates and diffraction gratings.Key advantages are the broad spectral transmission range, the hardness and low thermal expansion – e.g. for large telescope mirrors, where the possibility to fabricate large pieces is also vital.Fused silica is also used for optical windows,

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  • Features of fused silica ablation by laser induced carbon ...

    2020-2-7 · As the distance reaches to the limit, energy of laser-induced microplasma is insufficient to destruct fused silica as larger it expands, the less its temperature (energy) develops, which is well indicated by the intensity of plasma in Fig. 4d. The intensity of plasma drops very quickly as pulse number grows from 1 to 100, and after 400, the ...

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  • Fused Silica Glass - Tosoh

    2022-2-11 · Fused silica glass is a good electrical insulator, retaining high resistivity and excellent high-frequency characteristics at elevated temperatures. Coefficient of Expansion Electrically fused quartz Item Unit N.NP S SD OP-1,3 OP-3HD Density 3 g/cm 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.02 2.1 Young's modulus GPa 74 74 74 ー

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  • Advances in Cutting and Cleaving of Fused Silica

    Polyimide coated fused silica capillary tubing is frequently employed in a variety of analytical instrumentation. In this application note we revisit methods for cutting and cleaving capillary tubing with a focus on recent advances. Fused silica capillary tubing’s unique properties have made it a key component in separation scientist’s tool ...

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  • GE Fused Quartz MSDS

    2015-2-12 · AMORPHOUS FUSED SILICA 60676-86-0 U.K. Occupational Exposure Standard: 0.1 mg/m3 TWA Mexican Occupational Exposure Limit: 0.1 mg/m3 TWA German Exposure Limit: TRGS 900 - 0.3 mg/m3 (MAK) _____ *** END OF MSDS *** _____ NOTICE: Information herein is given in good faith, but no warranty, expressed or implied, is made.

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  • A six degree-of-freedom fused silica seismometer: design ...

    2021-12-6 · We choose fused silica for the design of the compact 6D seismometer due to its low thermal expansion coefficient and low mechanical dissipation. In this section, we consider two designs of the seismometer with the tilt eigenmode at 50 mHz and 100 mHz, find the own noise of the seismometer, derive the aLIGO platform noise, and estimate the ...

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  • Fused silica optical fibers with graded index ...

    2018-8-17 · Fused silica fibers are the most commonly used and spectrum of their application is the largest among all other types of fibers and for large community of users, as telecom, sensors and biomedical ...

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  • The Effect of High-Pressure Devitrification and ...

    2015-11-2 · Recent experimental and molecular-level computational analyses have indicated that fused silica, when subjected to pressures of several tens of GPa, can experience irreversible devitrification and densification. Such changes in the fused-silica molecular-level structure are associated with absorption and/or dissipation of the strain energy acquired by fused silica

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  • Properties: Silica - Silicon Dioxide (SiO2)

    Silica is one of the most abundant oxides in the earths crust. It exists in 3 crystalline forms as well as amorphous forms. It hasmany useful properties and is used in a range of applications such as silicon, elctronics, refractories, sand, glass making, building materials, investment casting etc.

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